This study was conducted during 2013-14 at Student Farm, | department of Agronomy, Faculty of Crop Production, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (factorial) with three replications having net plot size 3x4m=(12m2). The effect of three sowing dates 25thOctober, 10th November and 25th November on three hybrid maize varieties Pioneer 1543, Syngenta 4841 and Monsanto DK-6142 was studied. Yield components and grain quality parameters such as plant height, number of cobs per plant, cob length, grains per cob, grain yield, protein, starch and oil content of maize varieties were significantly affected by different sowing dates. It was concluded from the finding of present research work that all quantity and quality traits were promising when the sowing was completed up to 25th October. Further delay of the sowing had negative effects on the performance of quantity and quality of maize. Hybrid maize variety Pioneer 1543 was promising variety which gave the grain yield more than 8312 kg ha-1.
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