A pot experiment was conducted in order to know the phosphorus requirement of wheat as affected by different levels of phosphorus (P) for obtaining 95% relative yield grown in four soil series i.e. Gishkori, Buzdar, Sultanpur and Tikken of Dera Ismail Khan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The various treatment levels were consisted of 0, 5.5, 11.0, 16.5 and 22.0 mg P/kg of soil. Wheat dry matter yield remained at highest (1.1g) where P was supplemented at 22.0 mg P/kg in Gishkori and lowest (0.95g) in Tikken soil with the same P applied level. An increase in phosphorus concentration was recorded in wheat shoot with an increase in applied P level. Maximum phosphorus percentages recorded in wheat were 0.28 and 0.26 grown in Gishkori and Buzdar soil series followed by Sultanpur and Tikken with values of 0.11 and 0.10 respectively against P applied level of 22.0 mg P/kg soil. Minimum P concentration was noted in control. The phosphorus content of wheat and P levels were highly correlated with r values of 0.99. 0.99. 0.98 and 0.74 for Gishkori, Buzdar, Sultanpur and Tikken soil series respectively.
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