A field experiment was conducted during 2014-15, aiming to observe the efficiency of irrigation methods and plastic mulch on the yield and crop productivity of Okra. Okra seeds (cv. Subzpari) were grown on ridges with plastic under two different irrigation methods i.e. Every Furrow Irrigation (EFI) and Alternate Furrow Irrigation (AFI). The soil physical properties of ridges being affected by plastic mulched were analyzed before sowing and after harvesting. The results revealed that dry density of soil decreased by 0.03 g cm-3 and 0.04 g cm-3 for AFI and EFI methods, respectively. The total volume of irrigation water applied under AFI method (2169.70 m3 ha-1) was calculated to be half of the total irrigation water applied to EFI method (4340.91 m3 ha-1). Yield obtained under EFI method was 8518 kg ha-1 which was 10.5% greater than yield obtained under AFI method (7621 kg ha-1) and 31.40% when compared with traditional method. The crop water productivity (CWP) for AFI method (3.51 kg m-3) was calculated to be greater than CWP obtained under EFI method (1.96 kg m-3). The study concluded that both EFI and AFI methods, under plastic mulched ridges practices were beneficial to increase the crop yield with improved crop water productivity.
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