The Possibility of Using Allelic Variants of Electrophoretic Spectra of Storage Proteins in the Breeding of Sunflower


Morphological sign
Electrophoretic spectrum of storage protein

How to Cite

Aksyonov, I. (2024). The Possibility of Using Allelic Variants of Electrophoretic Spectra of Storage Proteins in the Breeding of Sunflower. Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 20, 143–150.


Relevance of the provided research work lies in the need to create parental lines of sunflower with high genetic purity, high combinatorial ability to obtain modern hybrids capable of forming a high level of yield in the arid conditions of the Steppe of Ukraine. Analysis and study of allelic variants of electrophoretic spectra makes it possible to expand the genetic diversity of the source material identified by the spectra of seed storage proteins. The main goal was to establish and study allelic variants of sunflower seed storage proteins, their use in individual plant selection in the process of creating self-pollinated lines, with the subsequent inclusion of lines in the breeding process. The source material for creating self-pollinated lines were sunflower varieties and interspecific hybrids. Plant selection was carried out according to morphological characteristics and allelic variants of the electrophoretic spectra of sunflower seed storage proteins according to the method of F. O. Poperel. The research was carried out in accordance with generally accepted methods in plant breeding. As a result of the conducted studies, allelic variants of electrophoretic spectra of sunflower seed storage proteins Hel 1, Hel 2, Hel 3, Hel 4, Hel 5, Hel 6, Hel 7, Hel 9, Hel NK were established. New self-pollinated sunflower lines with a high level of genetic purity with identified loci Hel 7, Hel 9, Hel NK were created. The creation of starting material from interspecific hybrids ensured the production of genotypes with new helianthine spectra and contributed to the expansion of the genetic diversity of sunflower. Based on allelic variants of protein spectra, protein spectra were developed and recorded for each self-pollinated sample and line created. Self-pollinated lines were created using protein spectra and clustering of the resulting genotypes was performed. Sunflower hybrids with the participation of lines from the most genetically distant clusters form a yield higher by 0.5-0.8 t ha-1. The established allelic variants of the electrophoretic spectra of seed storage proteins are recommended to be used in individual plant selection in the process of obtaining self-pollinated sunflower lines with a high level of genetic purity. The obtained sunflower lines are recommended to be used in the creation of hybrids intended for cultivation in arid steppe conditions of Ukraine.


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