On the Distribution of the Prime Numbers


Number theory
Even numbers
Prime numbers
Complex numbers
Prime number distribution

How to Cite

Khalil, L. A. (2024). On the Distribution of the Prime Numbers. Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 20, 182–189. https://doi.org/10.29169/1927-5129.2024.20.17


This research explores the distribution of prime numbers, which are a fundamental topic in number theory. The study originated from the author's fascination with mathematics and the desire to discover something novel. The research proposes that the distribution of prime numbers follows a regular pattern starting from the number 2. The author suggests that prime numbers can be obtained by dividing certain even numbers that have four factors by the number 2, resulting in prime numbers in sequential order. This hypothesis was tested and confirmed through the practical application of the proposed mathematical formula. Additionally, the study found that even numbers greater than or equal to 8, with six or more factors, produce complex numbers. Thus, this research provides two main contributions: firstly, a mathematical formula for the distribution of prime numbers, and secondly, a formula for the distribution of complex numbers. These findings have potential applications in various mathematical fields, including cryptography and problem-solving in number theory.



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