This research explores the development, construction, and validation of a cost-effective, solar-powered disdrometer designed to enhance the study of rainfall parameters. Disdrometers are essential tools for quantifying rainfall characteristics, such as drop size distribution and intensity, which are critical for understanding precipitation microphysics and improving weather radar and satellite rainfall estimation. However, the high cost of commercial disdrometers limits their accessibility, particularly in resource-constrained regions. To address this challenge, a low-cost disdrometer was developed using widely available and affordable components, without compromising performance. The device integrates a piezoelectric sensor for raindrop detection, an amplification system, and a microcontroller for data processing. The system is powered by solar energy, further reducing operational costs and enabling remote deployment. Field tests conducted in a tropical region demonstrated that the disdrometer reliably captures rainfall parameters comparable to those obtained by commercial systems, making it a valuable resource for atmospheric research, hydrology, and meteorology, particularly in resource-limited settings. The study concludes that this solar-powered disdrometer offers a feasible, efficient, and sustainable solution for rainfall characterization.
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