Kilka Fish is classified in the fatty fish group and is more perishable than other aquatics. It is very sensitive to oxidation during cold storage. Fat oxidation reduces the quality of Kilka, a decrease in shelf life and economic losses. Because it leads to color change (yellow) of Kilka. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of sodium alginate and whey protein coating on the prevention of fat oxidation of Kilka fillets during 12 days of refrigerated storage. Whey protein 15% and sodium alginate 1% were used at time= 5 min. Uncovered samples were considered as controls. Humidity, peroxide, FFA, TBA, pH, and fat were not significant in the samples covered with whey protein (73.62%, 0.08 meq kg oil-1, 1.01 g 100-1, 0.06 mg kg-1, 6.37 and 4.45%) compared with those covered by sodium alginate (73.91%, 0.05 meq kgoil-1, 1.09 g 100-1, 0.01 mg kg-1, 6.49, and 4.00%) (P>0.05). However, the index chemicals were lower in these samples compared with the control (59.16%, 3.07 meq kgoil-1, 5.73 g 100-1, 2.14 mg kg-1, 6.81 and 3.99%. Unlike fat, the other chemical tests were significant between control and covered samples (p<0.05). Covered samples had good quality at the end of the storage period. However, the control samples lost their quality after 6 days. Fish soaked with sodium alginate had better quality compared with the other samples. The use of sodium alginate is recommended by the seafood processing industry to maintain the quality of kilka during refrigeration.
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